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Price: $178.89

We will only ship to the confirmed Paypal shipping address given with the payment.
We do not offer local pick up service.
Delivery details
◆ Items to be returned must be in original factory condition.
◆ Please enclose a note about item number and order id, your eBay ID and the reason of return. About us
- We are a manufacturer, who is selling quality products at wholesale price on eBay. We really appreciate your trusts and business and feel houred to serve you.
- Thank you for shopping. If you are satisfied, please leave us 5 STAR RATING POSITIVE feedback. That will help us to maintain good reputation on Ebay and it's VITAL for us
- If by any chance, there is a problem with your order, please DO contact us via eBay message BEFORE leaving neutral or negative feedback or open a case on ebay.
Again, Thanks for your looking and valuable business.