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Boost Controllers

Greddy Boost Controllers

  • Trust Variable Valve Controller (TVVC)
    Trust Variable Valve Controller (TVVC) is the ultimate automotive manual boost controller. Designed specifically for automotive use, this unit is built form high quality billet aluminum and oil and heat resistant seals.
  • Greddy Profec B Spec II
    There are 2 preset settings that can be selected by a single switch. The response and the consistency of the boost can be adjusted by using the GAIN, START BOOST setting. A built in warning feature will alert the driver when the boost exceeds the set boost pressure with an alarm and a message in the display.
  • Greddy Profec Type S Boost Controller
    As easy to use as a manual boost controller, but with advanced electronic boost controller response & consistency, the PRofec Type-S keeps things simple. Based on the ever-popular Original PRofec B-Spec, the Type-S has two rotary switches to select two independent boost setting, a “LO” and a “HI”, while another “GAIN” switch compensates the wastegate’s valve response.
  • Greddy E-01
    Greddy's new super multi-tasker is the Profec e-01. Designed as a combination: boost-controller, data display / logger and e-manage programmer, the e-01 can provide superior boost response, increased boost, warning meter functions, 3 channel data-logging, and access to all the programming feautres provided with the latest e-manage support tool. Even when used as just a boost controller the e-01 has fatures to smooth out the boost curve.

Boost ContolllersHKS Boost Controllers

    The HKS EVC is the 5th generation of HKS’s race proven Electronic Valve Controller series of boost controllers. The current version of the EVC is the first boost controller to feature integrated CPUs in each component (Display Unit, Control Module, and Stepping Motor) for more precise control, quicker response and improved boost pressure stability.
    The EVC EZ II is the most simplified version of HKS’ electronic boost controllers, but still utilizes the same proven stepping motor as the EVC. With the same "state of the art" closed loop stepping motor, you are insured the same accurate and stable boost levels. Boost pressure will rise faster and earlier in each gear and be maintained without fear of over-boosting.
    he HKS VBC is a manual boost control system that utilizes a pneumatic regulating valve to manipulate boost pressure levels. The VBCs are designed to work with single or dual port actuator wastegates and utilize control valves that can be installed within the cockpit for convenient access or in the engine bay for simplicity.

APEXi Boost Controllers

    The AVC-R allows flexible control over virtually every aspect of boost control and adds new innovative functions such as injector pulse monitoring and gear specific boost control. Some key functions include: RPM-based boost and solenoid duty cycle control, scramble boost, self learning mode, 2D ghost map trace mode, analog display mode, real time replay and peak hold data modes. The AVC-R utilizes an ultra-fast microprocessor and a high quality solenoid valve to control boost. The result is ultra-fast response and accurate, stable boost control.

Hallman Boost Controllers

Hallman Boost Controller provides the highest quality manual boost controllers with features not found on any other manual boost controller.

Boost Controllers Available on eBay


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